The Great Lularoe Craze of 2016

Let me paint you a picture. It was 2016. I was in the last weeks of a nine month long maternity leave. I had spent a lot of time caring for my newborn twins and very little time wearing anything that resembled work clothes. I needed something that was comfortable but also work worthy. SomethingContinue reading “The Great Lularoe Craze of 2016”

Eating Out and Ways to Combat this Expensive Habit

I would say the vast majority of my spending goes to the restaurant industry. There are three main reasons for this. Some people call them “meals.” Breakfast Lunch Dinner Let’s dissect these further. Breakfast Like most people the morning time in our house is a whirl wind. Showers, getting the kids up, fed and out,Continue reading “Eating Out and Ways to Combat this Expensive Habit”

I Am a Target Junkie

I’m a Target Junkie I’ve been trying to save money, stay on a budget (ok I haven’t actually created a budget yet), get my home in order, keep my job, make my family happy, look good in jeans, age gracefully, share more of my feelings, yada yada yada so on and so forth.  Target keepsContinue reading “I Am a Target Junkie”

Here’s the deal

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. Confessions of a spendthrift trying to change. Here’s the situation. I’m 39 years old, I have 3 darling littles, a full-time job, a husband with a full-time job, and a spending problem. According to we live in a county with a higher average cost of livingContinue reading “Here’s the deal”